My creative journey

Here you can find some things I have been creating and working on. Most of them will be a work in progress, as most of our art is, while we navigate through live. To read more about what to expect here, see the Welcome post.

Ottensen at night


Long time no see! Today I am sharing an image I took some time ago in Ottensen. I don't photograph at night so often, but nights here are long during the winter time, and it is nice going out and seeing something different.

Read Ottensen at night post

Take a camera with you

#colour #tip

Although this is somewhat a cliché in photography, it always amazes me how many interesting photographs you can find close to where you live. Since the pandemic, I have been mostly shooting close to our home and I always find something new to photograph, or I see something old in a new way that I feel compelled to capture.

Read Take a camera with you post


#harbour #colour #info

I have thought about how often I should post in here. Although only partially edited and developed, I have some photos to add from the last two years or so. Unfortunately, I know time is very scarce and photography is my hobby, so...

Read Harbour post


#welcome #b&w #info

Let me start by giving you a warm welcome to my new blog! You may be asking yourself: You were on social media, then stopped posting all of the sudden, and now you open a blog? In 2022??

Read Welcome post
All read for now, enjoy your day!