I have thought about how often I should post in here. Although only partially edited and developed, I have some photos to add from the last two years or so. Unfortunately, I know time is very scarce and photography is my hobby, so it ends up having lower priority than more important things. This means that I need to find some balance. Balance between adding some content and rhythm to the blog, and not causing stress for me and my family. In the end I will do my best to publish one blog post per month.
The picture here was taken in March this year while walking through Hamburg’s harbour. It was a nice and crisp sunny day, and also one of the first days I went back to colour after my now usual winter black and white time (more about this on another post).
This was probably the image I liked most of the day: The reflection shows some of the context of the harbour, patterns from the windows that I liked, and also some somewhat visible people, adding a bit of mystery to the shot.